Season 1: 06 – The Leader’s Inner Wisdom

Episode 6 June 20, 2024 01:35:58
Season 1: 06 – The Leader’s Inner Wisdom
The Illumify Game Changer
Season 1: 06 – The Leader’s Inner Wisdom

Jun 20 2024 | 01:35:58


Hosted By

The Illumify Game Changer

Show Notes

In this episode, Jonathan is prompted to answer the question by listening to his inner wisdom. Within mere seconds, he answers with a powerful declaration of what could be different. The conversation then veers into community, how it’s unified and fragmented, and explores unison and truth. It’s another big conversation. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear Moose, our beloved English corgi, settling into listen at our feet.

00:00 Illuminate Question 5
02:07 “I know that we could live together better. We have to stand on new ground.”
07:03 While the vision itself must be entirely new, we need to take from our past what we know to be true.
22:30 Ritual gains strength over time.
28:00 More than tradition, there’s this wisdom. We know why it matters.
33:00 A community is unified through its shared memories of the local football club.
37:12 Nottingham City of Rebels: The story of a new vision emerging within the football stadium.
50:54 Concept of “necessary fragmentation”
54:00 Stumbling through life, we pursue wholeness and integrity and accept and understand our fragmentation.
56:00 The idea that we pursue wholeness and integrity
57:00 The moment of surrender when we cannot deny the truth that we now see, and realize that we have been going down the wrong path.
1:04:00 The necessary intolerance of “Never Again” came after surrender.
1:05:00 Unison: how does it fit into your vision?
1:08:40 Unison vs harmony, and the time when we need to silence the Parliament of voices and find unity within ourselves
1:11:58 “We can live differently together.”
1:16:00 “Where we live together as a community, the recognition of our diversity is clearly not enough. Unity is necessary as well.
1:19:00 Democracy’s own ambition makes it fragile.
1:20:44 European Union is trying to reconcile competing visions and ideas of the good life.
1:25:46 What’s on that new ground?
1:32:48 “We need unity around Truth. When we are united in a single vision of why truth matters, then we can pursue it in our own way.”
1:34:10 Final Answer

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