Jonathan is about to hit pay dirt after all the digging he’s done to surface the change most meaningful to him. In mere minutes, he expresses what he now sees that could be that doesn’t yet exist. His vision of it becomes even more vivid and compelling as he reflects.
04:15 Final Answer
07:02 The individual’s freedom can not be violated.
10:38 How do we reconcile individual freedom with our need for each other?
11:42 “Unity in diversity is perhaps the most difficult tension to reconcile. But we have to do it. How do we find the unity of purpose to take action together?”
13:15 This vision is the answer to the question, “What does it mean to be human?”
13:58 It’s a vision, and not a list.
15:10 Is it new?
17:40 It goes beyond Europe.
19:35 This vision starts with the idea of a shared home.
19:50 Is there a correlation between the concept of home and freedom?
20:58 Idea of home where you feel safe but not because we’re enclosed inside the walls of the house.
22:10 A bigger vision of home where we live together in a way that corresponds to our human spirit.
24:58 Reconciling our competing interests, duties, tribes and more in tune with our humanity.
26:58 Vision reconciles the fragmentation inside our selves with how we do that outside in our community.
30:35 Language as the life blood of the vision.
30:57 We need to rescue words and restore them to their original sense and value.
32:19 David & Goliath
34:01 The sculpture of David as a political symbol
35:01 My desire to be the underdog
35:07 Childhood memory of deliberately picking a weaker team
36:36 Doesn’t everyone like an underdog?
38:03 The sense that we would make up the difference.
40:37 Maintaining sacred dignity makes one not of the norm.
Surfacing what matters most to you that doesn’t yet exist takes a lot of self-inquiry. In answering all of the questions so far, Jonathan...
Having a vision of change is how leadership begins to emerge. It represents the difference between what is now and what could be. It...
Jonathan begins his leader’s journey by first denying that he is in fact a leader. But in this minisode from Episode 1, he soon...