SUMMARY of Episode 36: The Leader Contemplates Feeling

Episode 36 January 09, 2025 00:01:47
SUMMARY of Episode 36:  The Leader Contemplates Feeling
The Illumify Game Changer
SUMMARY of Episode 36: The Leader Contemplates Feeling

Jan 09 2025 | 00:01:47


Hosted By

The Illumify Game Changer

Show Notes

This conversation surfaced the fundamental difference between leaders and others. We can complain and complain about the way something is – for hours, days, even years. And when we do it with other people, it can even create a sense of connection, community, and kinship between us. It can be comforting to know that others feel the same way about it as we do.

But as Jonathan says in this episode, those are just laments. They emerge from observing what is now that isn’t right somehow. But there’s a big difference between just observing it and diagnosing it to reveal the solution. That’s fairly rare.

Even rarer still is feeling that it really needs to change. For many, maybe even most, it just is what it is. They accept it.

Not leaders though. For them it’s like being in the deep darkness of a mine as the only one with a light on their helmet that enables them to see.

Jonathan, however, doesn’t feel enlightened by his vision. As he puts it, there’s no light shining outside of him. Because it comes from within.

He knows now that even those closest to him may not feel the same way about his vision of change. But that’s ok. In fact, he says it may be the very reason he’s having these conversations.

The leader’s journey continues. Stay tuned.

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