Did you notice in this conversation that for the very first time, Jonathan called his meaningful change a “political vision”. That’s quite a departure from we started out when he refused to see it as political. He may not continue to do so but it’s interesting that he who spent much of his career in the world of government now does see this as political. You may remember how we defined political in one of our previous conversations.
This Amplify question serves to identify any beliefs that those who could help ignite his change may now hold. Instead though, Jonathan used it to surface the three beliefs that together underpin his vision. It’s a reminder that the three levels of Illumify – Illuminate, Amplify and Unify – are not always linear. Here we are half-way through the Amplify questions and Jonathan is still illuminating his vision, and gaining more and more clarity. And that’s all good. Because unless it’s very clear to him, he won’t be able to express his vision clearly or vividly enough to others. In identifying the three essential parts of it, Jonathan also now sees his vision as a sphere that you can step inside and feel.
A lot surfaced in this conversation. How we walk through life looking through just one lens. And whatever we see through it, we believe is the truth. How do we share a home when we, through our different individual lenses, see different “truths”?
Truth came up repeatedly. The pursuit of it. The air of truth in that shared home. And that no matter how provocative our statements, or how many others are saying them, when we utter something we know to be false, our voices just blend in with all others. There’s nothing distinct about us. So we won’t be true to who we really are.
We spoke too about the place of wonder in our lives. And whether restoring it would elevate us. Or maybe it’s about enlightening so we can lift ourselves up?
The leader’s journey continues. Stay tuned.
It turns out "home" is not a simple concept; it has many dimensions to it. And even having a home may be very different...
Leaders are driven by their vision of meaningful change. But their vision won’t be realized unless those who can help ignite it see the...
Having completed all of the Illuminate questions and surfaced his vision of meaningful change, in this minisode from episode 17 Jonathan reflects candidly on...