Season 1:40 – Why they could tune out the leader.

Episode 40 February 06, 2025 01:08:32
Season 1:40 –	Why they could tune out the leader.
The Illumify Game Changer
Season 1:40 – Why they could tune out the leader.

Feb 06 2025 | 01:08:32


Hosted By

The Illumify Game Changer

Show Notes

If leaders can’t engage others, they won’t be able to ignite their meaningful change. But don’t be fooled that when you speak, they are even listening. There are a lot of reasons why they may not even hear you. As Jonathan learns in this Illumify Game Changer episode, it’s better to know what those are before you open your mouth to speak.

Show Notes


0:01:03      Reflecting on the importance of language to leadership.                     

0:02:40      Reference Cards, and the meaning of “collective”

0:04:45      Amplify Card 33:   What concerns them about this?                              

0:10:40      They may be mostly happy where they are so it’s irrelevant to them.

0:13:13      Some would be squeamish about those words and ideas.

0:14:25      The moral overtone might be too heavy for some people.

0:18:35      Importance of common factual reality of truth, with examples of life and death stories.

0:22:50      “I don’t think my vision works unless it applies to every individual.”

0:28:30      There’s deep truth in our need for each other.

0:33:48      How do you address concerns about sharing a home when others posed a threat in the pandemic and there’s value in working remotely?

0:36:15      The 3 parts of the vision.

0:42:35      It’s truth among us that leads to trust and gives a deep strength that runs through the whole community.

0:47:33      The importance of due diligence to ensure you are heard.  

0:59:05      It can be quiet resistance. They just withdraw. Follow them to see what they do.

1:01:05      A story about how culture can have a huge bearing on how we interpret what we hear.

1:04:10      Due diligence questions.

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