Given that a leader’s vision is of the future and doesn’t yet exist, there’s no concrete evidence of what it is. It’s essential therefore to be able to describe it using the exact words that make it meaningful enough to others so they’ll listen and respond. That’s the very challenge Jonathan, a professional speech writer, faces in this next Illumify Game Changer question.
0:01:08 Reference Cards: Illumify definition, Enleaven definition, Guidelines
0:04:45 Does your vision now feel an integral part of you?
0:07:14 I feel I am walking back to the building site every morning and starting work again on my vision.
0:10:00 Now that you’re embodying your vision, do you see yourself as David or Goliath?
0:13:30 What vs. how, and his preference for why.
0:16:00 Amplify Question 36: How can you express your vision so it matters to them, not just to you?
0:20:50 A speech and a conversation at first glance appear very different.
0:23:22 The need for reassurance.
0:25:33 Are you expressing it in the way that matters to them too?
0:29:25 The vision is a living, breathing thing that gives it the energy to reach beyond your inner circle.
0:31:42 Creation of the new always means destruction.
0:33:18 Spreading by word of mouth happens because it’s significant.
0:36:00 Each part of the vision would necessarily provoke and in some cases repel.
0:38:30 Jonathan begins to articulate his vision.
0:46:50 Jonathan expresses his vision more fully with the mastery of a speechwriter.
0:53:10 Deconstructing Jonathan’s “speech”.
0:57:05 We have to share the idea of what constitutes the good life.
1:02:23 Jonathan’s vision “statement” as a collection of declarations unified into one.
1:03:30 It’s through language that leadership emerges.
1:07:30 Final Answer to “How can you express your vision so it matters to them, not just to you?
1:10:55 Team members’ response to Jonathan’s vision: from confusion and shame to hope and inspiration.
Leaders risk failure from the first moment they speak to others about their meaningful change -- unless they ensure they do what this minisode...
We hear leadership in particular ways. One is through the use of a linguistic construct called a “declaration”. There are different kinds of declarations...
Even leaders who have a vision of meaningful change can engage in self-sabotaging thoughts and actions. In answering this next Amplify question, Jonathan looks...