Season 1: 18 – The Leader’s Willingness to Change

Episode 18 September 05, 2024 02:13:45
Season 1: 18 – The Leader’s Willingness to Change
The Illumify Game Changer
Season 1: 18 – The Leader’s Willingness to Change

Sep 05 2024 | 02:13:45


Hosted By

The Illumify Game Changer

Show Notes

Surfacing what matters most to you that doesn’t yet exist takes a lot of self-inquiry. In answering all of the questions so far, Jonathan has delved deep with courage and tenacity. He has a vision, and now has to turn his focus away from himself onto those who can help him realize it. In this episode, he discovers some of what’s involved in leading them. Leadership is not for the faint of heart. So before we move forward into “Amplifying” his vision, he’s asked one more time to reconfirm his commitment to igniting it.


01:05              Introduction to Amplify

04:30              Reference Cards: introducing Enleaven   

07:14              “I feel that my own consciousness has expanded into a new space that we’ve created together through the conversation.”

13:07              Michael Angelo’s David and expansion.

15:25              “Even before we get to Amplify, I do have a sense that we have expanded to get to the vision.”

18:25              To rise up, you have to leave behind what’s holding you back.

27:55              From gaining clarity and confidence and expanding yourself, we move now to enabling you to lead the collective that can help you ignite your vision.

47:45              A story about nesting (and pockets).

49:37              The moment we wake up is not as part of the economy but as individuals.

55:22              A shared culture that can produce trust.

1:01:29           On the new ground, the economy can be embedded in the nest of dignity.

1:04:38           Why do we not have truth embedded in our constitutions? Is it too vast?

1:06:45           Amplify Question 16

1:11:35           A sense of purpose and return of confidence go hand-in-hand.

1:17:00           Declarations that change social reality.

1:22:30           The effects of shame and judgment on you.

1:33:58           Is there anything you’re not willing to change about yourself?

1:42:46           Re-examining, and rescuing, the virtue of humility.

1:51:42           Do we need to stay open to challenging even things within the core of truth?

2:01:17           Being open to a replenishing of values.

2:03:32           The vision needs to reflect diversity.

2:05:08           Final answer.

2:17:11           Where integrity fits.


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