Leadership demands a lot of us. So much that it can be tempting to turn away, if only to protect yourself from the barbs that come from challenging the status quo. In this episode, Jonathan grapples with his introverted self that tempts him to keep his vision to himself. Nor, as he discovers, can he expect others to assume equal responsibility for igniting his vision.
01:11 How does expressing your vision feel in the context of rallies?
05:23 “No one gets hurt if I keep this to myself.”
09:41 Jean takes scrutiny and rejection out of the equation when being of Service.
11:21 What if they are just as responsible for igniting your vision as you are?
13:00 Marianne’s cautionary note of failed change in “shared leadership”.
15:50 Challenging your own introversion to step up.
17:25 Where does the harm and hurt come from in speaking up?
20:31 Changing the pronoun from “your” vision to “the” vision.
22:51 Be an “ambassador” for the vision, and enable others to carry your message for you.
24:41 Speak in the present tense, not the future tense, to eliminate doubt and reassure.
29:01 Organizational leadership, Gandhi, Mandela and the depth of courage.
32:41 The voices of dissent are going to be there.
34:01 Is resistance enough for change?
36:33 How to lead in light of the two extremes.
38:26 The metaphor of Canada Geese for leadership.
42:01 Seeing the vision as public gives me confidence in me and the vision.
44:11 Dealing with excitement, rather than derision, around your vision.
46:05 Who doesn’t want to be heard?
48:31 What part of your vision do you decidedly disregard?
53:58 Marianne’s reason and hope for listeners.
56:01 When you know what you’re here to do…
Jonathan begins his leader’s journey by first denying that he is in fact a leader. But in this minisode from Episode 1, he soon...
Leaders challenge what is now: the status quo. And that always provokes resistance from others who prefer, for whatever reason, for things to stay...
Realizing a big vision takes more than just one leader. So how do you invoke others to help? In this minisode from Episode 32,...