Season 1: Episode 28 - The Leader’s Vision Matters

Episode 28 November 14, 2024 01:01:16
Season 1: Episode 28 - The Leader’s Vision Matters
The Illumify Game Changer
Season 1: Episode 28 - The Leader’s Vision Matters

Nov 14 2024 | 01:01:16


Hosted By

The Illumify Game Changer

Show Notes

Igniting a big vision of change takes real leadership. You have to be able to engage, align and mobilize all those who can help. But if your change doesn’t matter to them, they won’t listen or act. So how do you ensure they care about it? First, as Jonathan discovers in this episode, you have to know who they are.


01:04                       Amplify Question 25:  To whom does this matter?

02:52                       Why do you say it’s not your job to make it matter?

06:30                       “Part of my job is to make it matter.”

07:08                       It’s not about salesmanship.

09:00                       My vision goes beyond a political one to the idea of nesting.

11:22                       We move through culture to values to a political system and then ultimately out of it.

14:31                       What does it mean to be human goes beyond politics.

19:06                       Moving around is not normal. The human need to stay at home is strong.

23:31                       I do believe that a lot of people today are feeling uprooted, disoriented, dislocated and fragmented, not feeling they’re a part of anything. We lack a common sense of purpose.

28:19                       I think you can be someone who has lived in the same town for 20 years and feel equally uprooted and lonely.

32:04                       Nomad definition: “A member of a people who have no permanent home but move according to the season.”

35:33                       Is it about inspiring them to help you ignite your vision?

36:50                       At some point in the future, I would want the political system to respond to this.

42:30                       The moral legitimacy of taking my vision into Denmark where some of these values already exist.

44:51                       You can live in a place that’s in tune with your values and still have a sharp sense of things needing to change.

47:33                       Is there a European ideal of a shared home?

48:47                       This question is designed to identify who you need to engage? Put a face on it.

55:55                       How can you begin to identify the vehicle if you don’t know who you need to reach?

56:47                       Final Answer


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