Latest Episodes

SUMMARY of Episode 42: Will others get the leader's vision of change?
Words matter to leaders. What you say to those who can help ignite your change has a huge bearing on if and how they’ll...

Minisode 42: “The moment they hear the vision, it has changed.” -- The Leader’s Vision Comes to Life
Your vision of meaningful change may start as just a glimmer of what could be. The more you tend it, reflect on it, and...

Season 1:43 –- The leader’s vision has to matter.
Given that a leader’s vision is of the future and doesn’t yet exist, there’s no concrete evidence of what it is. It’s essential therefore...

SUMMARY of Episode 43: The leader's vision has to matter.
Words matter to leaders. And this episode reveals why. It begins with Jonathan realizing what it means to “enleaven” others. Although this word isn’t...

Minisode 43 – “This is who we are. This is what we can be” – The Leader’s Declaration
We hear leadership in particular ways. One is through the use of a linguistic construct called a “declaration”. There are different kinds of declarations...

SUMMARY of Episode 44: The Leader's Headline For Change.
We should never underestimate the power of a good headline. There’s a reason there are those whose sole job is to write headlines on...